April 16, 2019
Plagued by visions of a psychopath after a slaughter in a busy street in downtown Ikebukuro, Madoka must question her own sanity as to whether what she is seeing is actually happening.
Madoka Murasaki
60/100"My slasher character is way cooler than your slasher character! Mine doesn't have any rules! And he can do anything!"Continue on AniListYo! If you uh... if you don't like gore (aka look at this manga/review's banner)... well... I'd probably stop reading this review and also don't read this manga. Because the manga has way more gore than just what I'm including in this review. Oh, also spoilers for... the "ending."
Killing Morph is a horror manga by Nokuto Koike (story) and Masaya Hokazono (art).
It's a one of a kind horror series in that... well, there's really no plot.
It's just gore.
...It's entirely gore. With barely any build up whatsoever, the titular Killing Morph shows up and just starts brutally killing people on a busy city street in the middle of the day. Over the top decapitations, putting machetes in people's faces, cutting people down, just stomping his feet down into viscera... this is probably one of the goriest manga I've ever completed. Or at the very least, it's certainly the quickest to just drop all pretense to get to the gore.
It's one after the other. It's just so goddamned unabashedly excessive. But just as the Killing Morph changes his focus to our protagonist girl, a mere two cops rush over and restrain him.
This of course only happens after he's already killed at least a dozen people. Also, he has two machetes, and I don't even think the cops had their guns drawn? They just rushed in. Are you kidding me? Did you see the pile of corpses in the street? Open fire, you idiots.
Most slasher characters or the ones that come to my mind... they usually never "just" kill people. What I mean by that is... they're characters. They're not just walking viscera generators. They have personality and histories, they might have their own set of rules of how they could be defeated... and so on.
But the Killing Morph... we never, ever, get anything from his character except he really likes killing people. We don't learn about who he was before he started killing people or anything. He's just a psychopath with a very odd ability. Or rather, several odd abilities.
And that brings me to the Killing Morph or M's set of rules. That of course being... there are no rules. It was when I accepted this fundamental truth that I found myself enjoying this manga way more.
Because it's so goddamned stupid. Say what you will about Jason Voorhees, but he's a character. Yes, he typically just kills people. But you have his history of being drowned in the lake, you have his crazy ass mom who still speaks to him in his head and urges him to commit more killings, and you know… he can actually be beaten.
But M just fucking kills people.
That's the only thing to his character except for his obsession with the protagonist girl because she's the protagonist of the manga. And unlike Jason Voorhees which let's just be honest here, that's the slasher character this is an obvious imitation of, M can't be defeated. Or rather, he shouldn't be able to but he's a complete fucking idiot.
- While confined in prison, he can appear basically anywhere outside in the presence of someone that has seen him before. He can also just as easily disappear again.
- But also he can appear to multiple people simultaneously.
- All of his wounds heal ridiculously fast. It is shown that a "Morph" can even regenerate if say, their hands were chopped off.
- He can also of course appear as multiple M's. AKA... for some reason, he can spawn copies of himself and control them all simultaneously?
Also, I may have entirely dismissed the actual plot of this manga because it's really laughable... like really? You're gonna take your daughter who's been obsessing over this weird enigmatic serial killer somewhere to try and calm her nerves? Okay, where are you gonna take her?
Oh, a hotel in the middle of a FUCKING FOREST? Oh, and you took her cell phone away. That's totally not gonna fucking backfire in any way shape or form.
...Anyways, I may have entirely dismissed the actual plot of this manga but it COULD have been something. Between Madoka's conflict with M and Madoka sometimes acting strange and M trying to get Madoka to kill someone... you could have done something with that character.
Like there's so many covers of her smiling and like covered in blood and honestly I was going with the most obvious interpretation. That M really didn't exist and/or he's just a part of Madoka which could make some sense but then there's all those times M shows up somewhere Madoka isn't anywhere near.
Additionally, you also have the fucked and abrupt as shit ending for this series which... Madoka unconsciously uses bilocation for the first time herself, and finds that she's warped into the very prison where M is. And the cop character is just... fine with handing her his loaded pistol right before she bilocates into the room where M is.
Meanwhile, back in the forest, there's still an army of M's battling this stupid biker gang that got brought in by one of the therapy group's members to combat M. It really feels like... if it wasn't already obvious throughout the whole thing, bilocation is used whenever the creator feels like it. So like a fucking magic wand gets waved in the middle of this climactic battle and bam, Madoka's poofed off to the prison to deal with M once and for all.
By shooting him to death.
All that shit about him being a monster and the enemy of mankind and M is killed by a couple of bullets. I mean you could argue that M might not have been fully dead or obviously that M wanted Madoka to kill him because he senses that she might eventually become an even worse Morph than M was but... ultimately, it doesn't matter.
End of part 1? So... there's going to be a part 2? So it's gonna be an entirely new manga with a new title? Maybe rather than the Killing Morph, it'll be the Killing Madoka?
...There IS gonna be a part 2, right?
...I don't know if it's gonna get a part two or if it actually needs one because if M really is dead then who the fuck cares about a part 2? I mean yeah I said it'd be neat if Madoka just went off the deep end and started killing, but I can't see her matching the goofy antics of the charming M.
Like the idea of this slasher character is one of those ideas that pops up into your mind but then you immediately dismiss it because it'd be too stupid.
So you know, an actual attempt to try and do a character like that? It's worth a chuckle, at the very least. Additionally, there's something to say about... if you're gonna do a horror manga, and you really want to do a series with just some fucking awful and over the top gore... then just do it. Don't fucking pretend that you're doing something else, though.
Beyond the very mild smattering of "Madoka maybe possesses the potential to become a serial killer" this series is nothing more than a crazy man armed with machetes killing people. And believe it or not, but that's okay.
I only came around to thinking like that however only after accepting this manga was just going to be dumb until the very end. There are clever and fun slashers, but there are also really, really, really dumb and simplistic ones.
Killing Morph is definitely one of the latter. It's good for a laugh and good if you're just in the mood for some blunt gore. I give it a 6 out of 10.
83/100Mangá envolvente, personagens cativantes e arte perfeita. Nota geral 8.3/10.Continue on AniListSatsuriku Morph
Eu simplesmente li uma obra do mesmo autor(a) e acabei me deparando com uma obra de arte inimaginável sério, simplesmente maravilhoso tudo começou abordando uma temática pesada por si só que foi um assasinato muito bem explícito e bem detalhado, o que me chamou bastante a atenção para o mangá, porém conforme os capítulos passavam cada vez mais e mais as mortes ficaram mais chocantes e desenvolvidas.
Eu achei a protagonista principal madoka muito bem desenvolvida e forte com cenas brilhantes por algum tempo eu nem sequer imaginei que ela viraria uma assasina e eu confesso isso (cai direitinho na armadilha narrativa do autor).
Optar por um quase romance com o antagonista principal, M foi uma belissima estratégia com um grandíssimo final, eu realmente fiquei chocada que consegui gostar do personagem no final, mesmo que ele não tenho tido a melhor narrativa, por exemplo a mulher que ele guardava era a mãe dele? Isso nunca teve uma resposta concreta durante toda a trama, entretanto não significou que o personagem é apenas uma "casca" ele ainda sem teve uma motivação sombria e obscuras que sinceramente me fugiu um pouco da mente mais me recordo que achei uma boa justificativa.
Lembrando tmabem do policial (hoka não lembro se era o nome certo) ele não foi 100% desenvolvido entretanto teve boas cenas batendo de frente com M, o que me cativou bastante.
E claramente não podemos esquecer da noriko simplesmente a melhor personagem com um esplendoroso plotwist inicial que não cheguei nem perto de acertar mais que foi perfeito em diversos niveis, o fato deoa ter una certa bipolaridade entre ajudar a protagonista e ter um terão pelo antagonista jogando dos 2 lados também foi incrível além de deixar a duvida "será que ela morreu já que ficou na floresta?" Nunca teremos essa resposta, o que é um ponto negativo a obra.
Concluindo com o meu ponto de vista mostrado acredito que o Enredo e Narrativa teriam uma nota elevada levando em consideração a sincronia total entre ambos sendo uma obra curta mais longe de ser superficial contendo uma historia empolgante e aquele gostinho de "quero mais" a cada capítulo, totalizando uma nota 7.6/10.
Como dito anteriormente achei cada personagem essencial para obra deixando pouquissimas pontas soltas que resultará em uma perda de pontos, entretanto ainda acho cada personagem bem desenvolvido ainda mas para uma curta historia, totalizando uma nota de: 8.7/10 para os personagens
Já falando sobre a Arte e Estilo posso dizer que os e simplesmente perfeito, deixando um estilo suave mais sem esquecer da temática pesada e sanguenolenta, mesmo eu amando mais traços fofos, essa arte mais espumada e sutil, se mantendo firme ao tema da obra me encanto alcancando uma nota 10.0/10.
Sobre o Mundo e Configuração usados na obra eu diria que uma nota 8.4/10 e a nota ideal levando em consideração que é um mundo comum com a presença de habilidades específicas porém justamente equilibradas, levo apenas a desconsideração de alguns pontos extrae por causa de itens pessoais que não sou fã de um mundo tão condizente a nossa realidade (mesmo estando ainda não tanto igual).
Sobre o Tema e Mensagem do mangá confesso que não tenha ficado tão claro em minha mente, pois foi uma obra mais ficcional porém no fundo sempre sabemos que tem uma mensagem que o autor quis nos passar, não temho certeza de qual seja e levarei em consideração que seja "fique sempre a espreita" direi que gostei da mensagem mais como não ficou totalmente clara darei uma pontuação de 6.4/10
Sem me prolongar muito sobre o Desenvolvimento Pacing apenas digo resaltando novamente que é uma obra com menos de 5 volumes e apenas 36 capitulos, e mesmo assim CADA UM me deixou querendo mais de tão bem desenvolvido que esse mangá foi sem perder o ritmo 9.2/10, diminui um pouco a pontuação apenas por uma pequena incoerência no desenvolvimento da personagem madoka, que mesmo se entregando a ser uma assasina ainda sim evitou diversas vezes até que no final finalemnte vez o que deveria, o que na verdade gostei bastante desse desenvolvimento, entretanto ainda custou um pouco da nota por ter essa certa "enrolação" da protagonista (mesmo sabendo que foi essencial para a trama)
Concluindo agora a minha Conclusão e Satisfação baseado nos tópicos acima eu diria que 8.5/10 foi a minha satisfação e conclusões finais.
E fazendo a minha avaliacão minuciosamente calculada, dou a Nota geral da obra 8.3 /10.gráfico
Enredo e Narrativa: 7.6/10Personagens: 8.7/10
Arte e Estilo: 10.0/10
Mundo e Configuração: 8.4/10
Tema e Mensagem: 6.4/10
Desenvolvimento Pacing: 9.2/10
Conclusão e Satisfação: 8.5/10
Nota geral: 8.3/10
in english
I simply read a work by the same author and ended up encountering an unimaginable masterpiece, seriously, absolutely marvelous. It all began by addressing a inherently heavy theme—a very explicit and well-detailed murder—that captivated my attention to the manga. However, as the chapters progressed, the deaths became increasingly shocking and developed.
I found the main protagonist, Madoka, very well-developed and strong, with brilliant scenes. For a while, I never imagined she would become an assassin, and I confess, I fell right into the author's narrative trap. Opting for an almost romance with the main antagonist, M, was a beautiful strategy with a grandiose ending. I was genuinely shocked that I ended up liking the character in the end, even though he didn't have the best narrative, for example, the woman he was protecting—was she his mother? This was never conclusively answered throughout the plot, but it didn't mean the character was merely a "shell." He still had a dark and obscure motivation that, honestly, slipped my mind a bit, but I remember finding it a good justification.
Also, remembering the police officer (I can't recall if Hoka was the correct name), he wasn't 100% developed, but had good scenes confronting M, which captivated me.
And, of course, we can't forget Noriko, simply the best character with a splendid initial plot twist that I couldn't even come close to guessing, but it was perfect on various levels. Her certain bipolarity between helping the protagonist and having a soft spot for the antagonist, playing both sides, was incredible, besides leaving the question "did she die since she stayed in the forest?" We'll never have that answer, which is a negative point for the work.
In conclusion, considering my perspective, I believe the Plot and Narrative would have a high rating, considering the total synchronization between both. It's a short work, but far from being superficial, with an exciting story and that feeling of "I want more" with each chapter, totaling a score of 7.6/10.
As mentioned earlier, I found each character essential to the work, leaving very few loose ends, resulting in a loss of points. However, I still think each character is well-developed, especially for a short story, totaling a score of 8.7/10 for the characters.
Speaking of the Art and Style, I can say it's simply perfect, maintaining a subtle yet not forgetting the heavy and bloody theme. Even though I love cuter drawings, this more nuanced and subtle art, staying true to the theme of the work, enchanted me, achieving a score of 10.0/10.
Regarding the World and Setting used in the work, I would say an 8.4/10 is an ideal score, considering it's a common world with the presence of specific abilities, but well-balanced. I only disregard a few extra points due to personal preferences not aligning with a world so closely resembling our reality (even though it's still not quite the same).
About the Theme and Message of the manga, I confess it wasn't so clear in my mind, as it was a more fictional work. But deep down, we always know there's a message the author wanted to convey. I'm not sure what it is, and considering it might be "always stay vigilant," I'll say I liked the message. However, as it wasn't entirely clear, I'll give it a score of 6.4/10.
Without lingering too much on the Development Pacing, I'll emphasize again that it's a work with less than 5 volumes and only 36 chapters, yet EACH ONE left me wanting more because of how well-developed this manga was without losing its rhythm. 9.2/10. I deducted a bit due to a small inconsistency in Madoka's character development, who, even though she embraced being an assassin, still avoided it several times until she finally did what she should've at the end. I actually liked this development, but it cost a bit of the score due to the protagonist's "delay" (even though it was essential to the plot).
In conclusion, now considering my Conclusion and Satisfaction based on the above topics, I would say 8.5/10 was my satisfaction and final conclusions. And with my meticulously calculated evaluation, I give the overall score of the work 8.3/10.
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Ended inApril 16, 2019
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