December 2, 2014
1 min
A stop-motion short from Bandai, promoting the line of Super Mario Figuarts.

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100/100One of the (if not the most) influential commentaries of the modern world to this day.Continue on AniListAn absolute masterpiece. The character development and the emotional fibers of hatred and prejudice are woven into a sonnet of love and redemption. The animation is mind-blowing, like nothing I've ever seen before. Although subtle at first, 'Luigi's Toy Adventure' is a satirical commentary on the dominance and exploitation of capitalism in the western world. This serves as a forlorn warning towards the future but delivers a powerful message hidden behind whispers of words, barely enough to evade the notice of the mind- but just enough to reveal itself to those that seek its wisdom. A must-watch for any genre lover. A staple of a generation. An enduring stone in the endless river of mankind and human history.
So what exactly makes this film so special?
The rest of this review contains spoilers for the Luigi's Toy Adventure below.
In the opening sequence of the film, the camera pans to a vast landscape of a desk, littered with toys, books, pens, papers, and alcohol. The struggles of the "everyman", the endless ocean of white-collar workers through time and space. Moving, working, breathing- but never living. Luigi's Toy Adventure does not seek to remedy this question, but rather seeks to make light to the husk of a 'life' these men and women of countless generations live through. As it begins, the birth of Luigi- represented not by the creation of the body, but the awakening of the mind- is first to begin our journey. He takes a look around his surroundings but does not hesitate to move and work. Almost instantly, within seconds of his birth, Luigi realizes he is born to run.
But to run where, and for what purpose?Absolutely nowhere, and none at all.
Luigi for the entirety of the film, aimlessly chases the 'mushroom' just barely out of reach, to no avail and to no matter the effort. In his constant pursuit, Luigi pays little to no attention to the world around him as he continues his journey. Just as many pass each day, living to work and working to live, the passage of life and time are swept away in an instant, yet ignored for the chase towards that fungus. And as just before the mushroom is just out of his grasp, closer than ever before, it is cast away into the abyss, forever lost to void. One of the most important analogies of the film, the mushroom can be easily be interpreted as the white-collar struggle and pursuit of monetary comfort and happiness. The endless rat race of life, running, fighting, chasing that mushroom. A delusion, entranced by millions throughout generations of the past and persisting long into the future of humanity. To find happiness, to find comfort, to find peace in that hopeless dream, that is just a step away- but forever out of reach: A modern Tantalus born from the own cruelty of mankind.
100/100Breaking the mould while understanding the greatness that came beforeContinue on AniListLook, I'm not the first person to review 'Lugi's Toy Adventure' nor will I be the last. I don't expect to bring much new to the ongoing analysis that takes place on the daily with this anime. So instead I want to share what this anime means to me on a personal level, so don't expect any objective stances. If we are looking at it objectively then sure it may not be perfect but is art really the strive for perfection? I think not. Art is about feelings, making the viewer feel some type of way and this anime of legend does this in spades. So without further ado her is my dissection of 'Luigi's Toy Adventure' and the impact it has had on my life. I didn't come from such a great home. I was the middle child which naturally meant that my family hated me. Whenever I played my nintendo wii will my older sibling I was always player 2. Naturally this scarred me even to this day as being player 2 is no good afterall. If you will so let me indulge I wish to quote one K.M. Weiland and her book creating character arcs to further my point as she says "Creating character arcs isn't just about reaching a goal but allowing luigi to shine in the spotlight". Sadly, her book was seen as troublesoom, radical and too bold for it's time by critics but I beg to differ. This book meant alot to me and there is a specific few words in that quote which I think you may recognise as important to my current discussion that being "shine in the spotlight". This is a subtle reference to the best mario game: "Super Mario Sunshine" which you guessed it has alot of water in the game. Water is usually assocaited with the colour dark blue which also just so happens to be the colour of bowser in the boxart of mario bros 3... Coincidence? Probably but let's keep going. So now that we see clearly sun tzu's intentions with his book creating character arcs you may be asking how this relates to the anime in question. Well to answer that I believe we need to go back to 1948. A random year at first you may be thinking but luigi wasn't made until after that time (keep this in mind for later) Now who is luigi mario? Is he a plumber? A ghost hunter? Green Mario? A fiend? No. For in essence Luigi is me, luigi is us. Luigi is the player 2 we see in the world. Everytime we lost in mario kart or failed university we were luigi. Luigi is a show of all our failings, a pathetic failure of a mario that can't even fix a pipe. But is that all? Is luigi really doomed to this fate? Are we doomed to this fate? Yes. All this to say that luigi's stop motion toy adventure is a good show that teaches us that we will fail, we will chase that mushroom and we will die trying. BUT, and this is the most important part of this review. Mario will always come to the rescue. We can't do anything since we are player 2. BUT, player 1 (mario mario) can do anything and that is what this movie teaches us. That we are pathetic but mario isn't. So next time you play player 2 in halo 5 just know that you are doing something great, you are being a great verhicle to help player 1 grow. You will never achieve anything but mario will. And maybe if you are a good enough player 2 you shall also achieve your dreams through dying and being reborn a new. For, luigi is all of our hopes. Non-existent. Luigi doesn't struggle he accepts which is actually what the stop motion style of the play shows us, that we have all the strings to hold us back, we can't do anything. Luigi is a metaphor for the colour green. So with all that being said is Luigis toy adventure a good ova? Yes, is it a good spider-man movie? No. But at the end of the day green is a good colour and that is ok. Life is full of failure and that's ok, we are all fated for failure and that is ok. If you read all this then you above all else are destined for failure. Thank you all the player 2's of the metaverse for reading this and I look forward to seeing luigi spiral into the cosmos. Also if you are skipping to the end of this review then shame on you. I hope this review was impactful to you all. Merry Luigi Mario!
TLDR: 'Luigi's Toy Adventure' is a thrilling journey like none I've seen before or evermore. It combines MMO mechanics like grinding and weapons and fuses it with fun slice of life RPG mechanics like grinding and food. Luigi's toy adventure brings together family and proves that true love is real and that the attacks of 1975 were an inside job.
ONA FantasyNendo no Tatakai
- (2.8/5)
Ended inDecember 2, 2014
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