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One big fat lie and a few twisted truths.
Even in his past life, Cid's dream wasn't to become a protagonist or a final boss. He'd rather lie low as a minor character until it's prime time to reveal he's a mastermind...or at least, do the next best thing-pretend to be one! And now that he's been reborn into another world, he's ready to set the perfect conditions to live out his dreams to the fullest. Armed with his overactive imagination, Cid jokingly recruits members to his organization and makes up a whole backstory about an evil cult that they need to take down. Well, as luck would have it, these imaginary adversaries turn out to be the real deal-and everyone knows the truth but him!
(Source: Yen Press)
Cid Kagenou
Alexia Midgar
Claire Kagenou
Rose Oriana
Iris Midgar
Sherry Barnett
Akane Nishino
Annerose Nichtsehen
70/100The Eminence in Shadow Vol. 1 ist ein großartiger erster Band, mit eine einzigartige Prämisse.Continue on AniListHandlung/Geschichte:
The Eminence in Shadow erzählt die Geschichte von Cid Kagenou, einem jungen Mann, der davon träumt, ein die Namensgebende Eminenz im Schatten zu werden. Diese Eminenz wird auch als Shadowbroker bezeichnet.
Diese sogenannten „Shadowbrokers“ agieren unauffällig unter den Menschen und bleiben so unbemerkt.
In Wahrheit ziehen sie hinter den Kulissen aber die Fäden und kontrollieren so nahezu alles. Cid möchte auch unbedingt einer dieser „Shadowbroker“ werden also trainiert er jede Nacht im Geheimen und bereitet sich auf seinen späteren Aufstieg an die Macht vor.
Sein Schicksal meint es jedoch nicht gut mit ihm und so stirbt er bei einem Verkehrsunfall.
Als er in einer anderen Welt aufwacht und sich plötzlich an der Spitze einer tatsächlichen Geheimorganisation befindet, die im Schatten gegen das Böse kämpft, hat er endlich die Chance, all seine Wahnvorstellungen zu verwirklichen!
Der erste Band erzählt hierbei die harte Arbeit von Cid und wie er seine Fähigkeiten verbessert, seine neue Schwester befreit und dabei versucht seine Identität vor anderen geheim zu halten.Inhalt:
Anfang hatte ich meine Probleme mit dem Auftakt der Geschichte und habe relativ schnell den Manga wieder zur Seite gelegt. Irgendwie kam keine wirkliche Verbindung auf. Mir dauerte das ganze Vorgeplänkel einfach zu lange.
Als ich aber vor wenigen Tagen mich mehr oder weniger zwang den Manga weiter zu lesen, löste sich der Knoten und ich hatte meinen Spaß damit. Der Manga bietet nämlich grundsätzlich eine interessante Prämisse, die den Leser fesseln kann.
Die Idee, dass der Held der Geschichte kein typischer Held sein möchte und lieber aus den Schatten heraus agiert, ohne tatsächlich kämpfen zu müssen, ist originell und so mir noch nicht unter die Augen gekommen.
Der erste Band setzt hierbei die Geschichte gut auf und etabliert die Charaktere, welche in der Serie eine Rolle spielen werden._Figuren:
Der erste Band von The Eminence in Shadow macht es bezogen auf die Nebencharaktere es leider nicht leicht diese zu beurteilen, da diese innerhalb des ersten Bandes lediglich oberflächlich behandelt werden und nicht näher aufgezeigt werden.
Dies unterschiedet sich aber beim Hauptprotagonisten Cid. Dieser wird als sehr klug, einfallsreich und hartnäckig dargestellt, dessen Entschlossenheit bewundernswert ist.
Dadurch ist der Charakter insgesamt interessant gehalten, was es dem Leser leicht macht, sich mit ihm zu identifizieren.Darstellung:
Die Zeichnungen des The Eminence in Shadow-Manga sind ausführlich und stellenweise sehr detailliert gestaltet und daher schön anzusehen.
Dabei sind die Charakterdesigns einzigartig gehalten, wenngleich gewissen Rassenklischees, wie zum Beispiel die Attraktive Elfe, auch in diesem Werk Einzug gehalten haben. Dies macht allerdings bei einem Fantasy-Werk, wo man solche Klischees nur allzu gern sieht, nur realistischer.
Jeder Charakter hat hierbei seine eigene individuelle Persönlichkeit, welche sich in seinem Aussehen widerspiegelt.
Die Panels sind so platziert, dass der Leser keine Probleme, hat der Geschichte zu folgen.
Abseits davon, sind auch die Action-Szenen so choreografiert, dass hier eine aufregende Leseerfahrung geboten wird.Writing
Der Autor schafft es, die Geschichte auf eine Weise zu erzählen, die den Leser fesselt, sofern man sich auf den Stil einlässt und eventuelle Leseblockaden hinter sich bringt, was dazu führt, dass der Leser den Band nicht mehr weglegen möchte.
Die Dialoge an sich, sind so geschrieben, dass jeder der Charaktere durch seinen Sprachgebrauch eine eigene Stimme erhält.
Dabei wurde sich bei der Übersetzung ins Englische viel Mühe gegeben, dies merkt man auch daran, dass sich keine Verwirrung oder Unklarheiten in der Handlung ergeben.Fazit:
The Eminence in Shadow Vol. 1 ist ein großartiger erster Band, der eine einzigartige Prämisse und interessante Charaktere präsentiert und den Grundpfeiler, einer, sollte der Erzählstil so bleiben, spannenden Geschichte bietet.
Dass die Zeichnungen dazu noch detailliert sind, ist ein weitere Pluspunkt.
Wenn du Manga magst, die Action und eine interessante Prämisse haben, solltest du The Eminence in Shadow auf jeden Fall ausprobieren.0711jz
90/100The OPM of power fantasies: A true masterclass in how to write a comedy manga.Continue on AniListThis review contains light spoilers. I include some panels below as examples of the comedy and art, as well as describe the basic story and how the series sets up its humor. As this manga is primarily a comedy, I think it’s safe to read even if you haven’t seen the series, but for those looking to go in blind, you have been warned.
Comedy is very subjective: similar to how we all enjoy different foods and like different music, humor completely depends on the person consuming it. What one person finds funny may be offensive, trite, or asinine to another: it all depends on the person. With that said, whether you'll find The Eminence in Shadow funny completely depends on you. But that isn’t at all helpful, so I’m going to talk about my experience with the series and why it very easily became one of my favorite comedies.
To start, The Eminence in Shadow is a power fantasy/isekai "parody" (I'll get to that soon) following Cid Kagenou, a Japanese boy who is not like the other kids. Rather than fantasizing about becoming a hero who saves the day, or a villain who takes over the world, or literally any other normal child-like aspiration, Cid instead dreams of becoming the titular "Eminence in Shadow." He cares not for foolish ambitions like fame, glory, or recognition; Cid has moved far beyond these laughable mortal desires, instead seeking a far grander and worthier goal: to become the clever, mysterious, badass, and powerful mastermind manipulating things from behind the scenes. His ambitions, in all their magnificence, remain truly incomprehensible to us mere mortals.
Unlike those other weak-willed children who "grew up" or "faced reality", Cid has never even considered abandoning his dream. Instead, he chooses to work day in and day out to reach his lofty aspiration, toiling harder and suffering more than any other man. But Cid quickly ran into a problem: no matter how skilled a martial artist he became, no matter how hard he trained, he would never be able to overcome his physical limitations as a human. How dreadful! Despite his unwavering determination reminiscent of Tobuscus Fox's mega-hit game Undertale, or his suffering that far eclipses someone as blessed as Sisyphus, the Gods have bestowed upon him a regular human body, one susceptible to mere guns and nukes. Have you ever heard a more woeful tale?
Luckily, as befitting a genius of his stature, Cid came up with a brilliant solution: magic! If he can discover magic, then he could become as strong as he dreamed of, and finally reach his admirable goal. One night, while attempting to discover magic (by repeatedly banging his head against a tree and screaming “magic!”), he stumbled upon every isekai protagonist's greatest foe: a truck. As luck would have it, he was killed by said truck and reborn in another world. Specifically, one with magic. How fortunate! And with his sheer chuuni determination, he actually managed to become the strongest in this world. But just as a power fantasy needs its harem, or a harem needs its fan service, an Eminence in Shadow needs something to manipulate, something to do! But Cid, magnanimous as he is, doesn't mind roleplaying, as long as he can “feel” and “act” like an Eminence in Shadow. What a truly great man!
Henceforth, Cid continues on his journey, brandishing his alter ego Shadow to wage a hidden war against a cult that few even know exist. He recruits and trains loyal soldiers to fight alongside him, bestows this world with valuable knowledge from his homeland, maintains his Mob persona as the perfect secret identity, and valiantly helps all those in need!
Ok, I'm gonna drop the sarcasm now.
In reality, Cid is far from perfect. He's a bit dull-witted, incredibly single-minded, and denser than your average harem protagonist. However, Cid has one major thing going for him: literally anything he says and does in this world actually comes to fruition. He invents a BS cult to fight, well that cult actually exists. He gets lost in the middle of an important fight, well he arrives at the perfect place to cut off the bad guy. Hell, his sister gets kidnapped and he randomly throws a knife at a map, turns out the knife landed at the exact spot she’s being held. It’s almost as if the world bends to his will, and that’s where the comedy comes in: everyone (who knows his alter ego Shadow) believes he is practically omnipotent, overflowing with wisdom, intelligence, and strength. But he’s just roleplaying, fucking around. He legitimately believes he’s just going around fighting thieves, and that his
haremunderlings are just roleplaying with him. But in doing so, he’s significantly affecting the world around him, waging a war against a massive worldwide cult that he doesn’t even know exists.The majority of the humor comes from this dichotomy, the juxtaposition between everyone thinking he’s some all-powerful God-like being, when in reality he’s just a chuuni fucking around, fighting random villains he encounters and saying whatever he thinks sounds cool. Cid’s monologues, his expressions, his entire character is just so funny. His actions, incomprehensibly brilliant to those around him, are almost always guided by his desire to be cool and enigmatic, which leads to heaps of entertaining scenes and misunderstandings. And combined with how comically deranged he is, it's just so enjoyable to follow him and his hilariously ludicrous antics. Whether he’s acting as his persona, Shadow, and spewing lines that sound cool but you know are actually bullshit, or he’s pretending to be a regular Mob character blending in with the crowd, Cid is always absolutely hilarious and the highlight of the series.
Cid (depicted above) confessing to a princess, carefully orchestrating his every move (to get rejected) Now, I mentioned earlier that The Eminence in Shadow is a “parody.” Whether or not it’s truly a parody is up for debate, but I definitely believe it is. To me, a parody isn’t just media mocking or ridiculing other media. It’s media that imitates or exaggerates something (in this case a genre), poking fun at it for comical entertainment while also appreciating and paying homage to the original thing it’s making fun of. One Punch Man, 100 Girlfriends, Konosuba, they’re all very clearly parodies of their respective genres, but they each embrace the genre they’re parodying, signifying the love and enjoyment for said genre. But this leads to an important idea: to enjoy these series, you have to at least somewhat like the original genre they’re parodying. Many people complain that these parodies become the very thing they’re parodying, but I think that’s pretty normal and by no means a bad thing, as long as the series maintains the qualities that made it a parody in the first place. And The Eminence in Shadow perfectly matches these specifications: the series is chock-full of badass power fantasy moments, awesome fights, and even a massive harem featuring any type of girl you could imagine (which the MC obviously doesn’t give a shit about). It doesn’t shy away and belittle these tropes or ideas, instead fully embracing them to the extreme while maintaining the humor that makes it so funny.
Now, whether you find the series funny yourself will ultimately depend on you. Experience with and enjoyment of power fantasies will definitely help, but this manga isn’t going to be for everyone. Some people may find the jokes get stale and repetitive over time, or won’t find this type of parody funny, or just really don’t like power fantasy isekai. And that’s all right. But for those who do, you’re in for one hell of a ride.
I’ve talked a lot about the content of the comedy, which comes from the source material, but I want to take a second to talk about the actual execution of the comedy. The mangaka’s interpretation of the source material and delivery of the comedy is nothing short of masterful. Coming from someone who has read both the LN and the manga, her comedic timing, drawing, everything about the implementation of the comedy is just so perfect and deftly expands (and arguably improves upon) the original source. I legitimately believe she’s incredibly talented and significantly carries the humor of the manga.
Cid celebrating his school being attacked by terrorists I mentioned this before, but the fights in the manga are actually really good. Not in a HxH-type battle of wits way, but in a more basic, power fantasy fashion. I’m a complete sucker for magic sword fights, and I enjoy a good power fantasy every now and then, so I can confidently say that the fights in this manga are better than the vast majority of power fantasy fights I’ve read. And a large part of that reason is the art in the series, which is seriously incredible. I could try and describe it, but instead I’m just going to include a panel below to highlight how incredible it is and how talented the artist is.
The Eminence in Shadow isn’t all comedy: there is an actual underlying story, with some surprisingly interesting characters and worldbuilding. If I’m being honest, I think the LN (and even the anime to an extent) do a better job conveying the surprisingly decent world, story, and characters, but the manga does a good enough job, and the series isn’t about that stuff anyways. Reading Eminence in Shadow for the plot is like watching Demon Slayer for its laugh-out-loud comedy, or reading AoT for its brilliant ending, so it’s really not a big deal.
I’ve run out of things to say, so to conclude, The Eminence in Shadow is an excellent comedy manga and a wonderful parody of power fantasies. There is an anime for the series (and a movie recently announced), which is fun and worth watching if you like the series, but its humor really falls short compared to the manga or even the LN (which is also a great read). So if you enjoy power fantasies, or if anything here looked/sounded interesting, you should definitely give this a shot. You won’t regret it.
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