March 27, 2012
24 min
Tadakuni, Hidenori, and Yoshitake are students at the all-boys academy, Sanada North High School. This is a tale about just that—their daily lives as students. Winning the basketball tournament? Finding true love? You won't find any of that here. Whether it's sparking random arguments while hanging out with friends, meeting that one weird co-worker at a part-time job, or even letting imaginations run wild on a windy afternoon, we've all experienced the show's ordinary but true-to-life themes at one point or another.
(Source: NIS America)
Hidenori Tabata
Tomokazu Sugita
Yoshitake Tanaka
Kenichi Suzumura
Miyu Irino
Youko Hikasa
Daisuke Namikawa
Aoi Yuuki
Toshiyuki Karasawa
Yuuki Ono
Akira Ishida
Hiroki Yasumoto
Yuu Kobayashi
Tadakuni no Imouto
Ayahi Takagaki
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Chiwa Saitou
Junko Minagawa
Kotono Mitsuishi
Inu wo Sagasu Joshikousei
Ayaka Mori
Over Self-Conscious Woman
Haruna Ikezawa
Yoshitake no Ane
Ami Koshimizu
Risa Hayamizu
Takahiro Matsumoto
Shoutarou Morikubo
Madoka Yonezawa
Shizuka Itou
Yuusuke Tabata
Takahiro Sakurai
Katsuyuki Konishi
77/100Une comédie poussé jusqu'au bout et à mourir de rire.Continue on AniListBonjour à tous,
on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour faire le point sur cette anime : Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.
Alors pour commencer, c'est un anime à mourir de rire, c'est-à-dire que la comédie est poussée jusqu'au bout.
Très clairement, j'avais un peu peur vu que l'anime date un peu (2012) mais, franchement, j'ai été très surpris par la qualité des blagues et des situations, qui sont très drôles peu importe quand est ce qu'on regarde l'anime.
De plus, je m'attendais à quelques vannes graveleuses, mais finalement, il y en a un peu, mais au point que ça ne tourne que sur ce point.
Ce que j'ai vraiment adoré, c'est le fait que des situations que l'on a déjà rencontré dans notre vie se déroule et l'on voit comment la vrai vie quotidienne d'un lycéen peu être tournée en ridicule d'une façon simple mais qui reste toujours drôle, et également sans se moquer d'un personne ou d'une autre.
Il y a aussi le format de cette anime qui permet de faire rire, car les épisodes font 20~25min, mais sont en fait, des composé de 4~5 sketchs qui sont très rythmés, pour moi cela a favorisé mon visionnage, car on ne voit pas le temps passer.
Cependant, du fait que les épisodes soit des sketchs, des fois on retrouve la même situation plusieurs fois. J'avais pensé que ça allait être ennuyeux de revoir la même chose, mais avec des blagues différentes, mais pas du tout. Le changement de situation fait tout. Surtout avec la fille qui aime la lecture et Hidenori qui à des répliques plus claqués les unes que les autres et qui ont l'air cool quand il les dit.
J'avais aussi quelques appréhensions comme le faite que le titre de l'anime comporte "Danshi", je me suis dit que ça allait être allé un anime exclusivement centrée sur les garçons et que l'on n'allais jamais voir une fille dans un autre sens que pour dire que les garçons sont pervers, mais heureusement, je me suis trompé. On peut trouver dans l'anime, pas mal de fille (même si la plupart n'ont pas d'yeux) qui apporte un gros coup de peps dans cette comédie déjà bien déjanté.
La première, et plus, présente d'elle, est la sœur de Tadakuni qui est surtout utilisé pour remettre les trois lycéens (Tadakuni,Hidenori,Yoshitake) à leur place et vraiment faire une chute et provoqué le rire. Mais il y a également, la scène du verglas qui n'utilise pas la sœur comme un moyen de se moquer des lycéens.
De même, vu que le lycée est un lycée exclusivement de garçon, je pensais que les vannes seraient un peu répétitives, mais non ! Il y a toujours du rythme avec soit le groupe de 3 ou soit avec le BDE et Ringo qui est marrante. Il y a aussi, à la fin de quelques épisodes, le même genre de scènes drôle, mais cette fois-ci avec des lycéennes ce qui nous donne un autre point de vu même si les situations sont toujours aussi drôles même si des fois exagéré au possible, mais c'est ça qui est drôle.
Il y a aussi le fait que l'anime utilise les code d'un shonen, mais qu'il les tourne en dérision, cela devient marrant, car on a déjà vu des scènes un bon nombre de fois, mais là avec la comédie en plus c'est vraiment drôle.
Bon, bon l'instant, je n'en dis que du bien, mais ce n'est pas extraordinaire non plus.
Premièrement, je trouve que l'opening ne colle pas du tout à ce type et genre d'anime alors que l'ending est mieux pour un anime de ce style. Après, il y a le fait que pour les personnages secondaires, les yeux ne soient pas dessinés. Je pense que ça bloque un peu.
J'ai aussi trouvé que la disparition de Tadakuni dans les derniers épisodes est un peu bizarre, car au départ, on s'identifie à lui comme étant le personnage principal mais bon, il est un peu remplacé par Hidenori au fur des épisodes.Des fois, ça m'a fait un peu penser à aho girl.
Sinon ce que j'ai adoré, c'est que la fin soit la même chose que le début de l'anime, Finir sur une épanadiplose m'a tué.
100/100its like looking back at the good old daysContinue on AniListThis is a slice of life comedy anime about a bunch of high school students doing dumb, random and questionable things. I am not skilled enough to write a review without spoilers, but i will try to minimise it. Well, even if i spoiled anything it probably wouldn't make sense
The plot is very simple and easily comprehensible, there is no plot. Its just the daily lives of high school boys and sometimes girls. If the viewer reading this is a male in high school they'd probably feel nostalgic when watching this anime. And after a good episode of laughter or sometimes tears, the good old nostalgic ending song plays and a bucket load of nostalgia just flows in, there is no song that can be sang so badly but sound so good, none other than the ending song of this anime
Your friends going to the park to see if someone really sent you a love letter, destroying your friend's expensive figure because you bought him the same one for his birthday, going to school on a holiday because the teacher told you the wrong date, looking under a girl's skirt to experience whats it like seeing a girl's panties and wearing your little sister's underwear to feel what it feels like, memories, sometimes questionable, but undoubtedly precious and unique. This anime is the manifestation of such memories. Getting pissed at your friend for the smallest things, acting as the bad guys to help your friend from being embarrassed, making a girl feel bad because she made your friends feel bad, getting revenge on a girl because she messed with a guy, friendship. Many deprecate themselves by saying they have no such relationship with anyone, maybe some are telling the truth but it is as clear as the blue sky that humans by nature would want someone at least to have a conversation with, because humans are sociable, online or physical we seek some form of socialisation. This anime can feel up that gap too, although it may be fake, we'd at least enjoy it
Overall, yes the animation isn't something out of studio WIT. Yes the soundtrack isn't top 10 and yes the voice actors aren't as good as kazuma having a conversation with aqua but this anime feels... familiar... comfortable because this is not the daily lives of immortal highschool boys, not the daily lives of highschool boys in another world nor the daily lives of highschool boys dxd. Its just the daily lives of highschool boys. Its the sense of equality or relatability with a show that makes a viewer relax and laugh to their heart's content, and theres no doubt this show can do that. If you're not a guy you'd probably won't relate as well to the reasoning behind the male character's actions, choices of vocabulary or reasoning of emotions, but i'd say give it a try. Plus theres a small segment at each episode on high school girls
72/100A comedy gold about high school boys being themselves.Continue on AniListWhen it comes to comedy, what carries the show are characters and humor. Those two components are correlated because the shticks/quirks of the cast interact with every given scenario and build internal jokes, funny misunderstandings, and colorful relationships. The Daily Life of High School Boys is comedy gold but fails in two fundamental aspects that I will refer to later.
Without further ado, let's get started with the good and bad of the anime.
As the title suggests, this is an episodic story about high school boys being high school boys. It was love at first sight! First, the choice of the voice cast was amazing. Tomokazu Sugita and Kenichi Suzumura, who also played Gintoki and Sougo from Gintama, are guaranteed success comedy-wise. Besides, it's not a secret that their characters single-handedly stole the show. Second, the breaking of the fourth wall was done splendidly, a difficult task to pull off and maintain humor simultaneously. Third, it was reminiscent of my own school years, and I believe many males will be nostalgic after watching this. Last but not least, the direction took the extra mile and boosted the comedic value. I won't elaborate on the last part because I want to keep the review short and not spoil the fun. Apart from the main cast, characters like Mitsuo, Ringo-chan, and the girls in the ending scenes were great additions.
Unfortunately, my initial enthusiasm almost crashed and burnt. I was certain that it will be my next 9 or 10 since I adore comedies, and it's difficult to find quality ones. The first major downside was the faceless female cast. For some reason, many creators consider abusive girls funny. It can be funny depending on the circumstances, but rarely. They were straight-up bullies, beating and harassing the boys in EVERY episode. Due to its frequency and magnitude, it soon became old and extremely uncomfortable. Another downside is one of the MAIN protagonist's total neglect. Yes, I'm speaking of Tadakuni (who?). He happened to be my favorite character in the first episodes and then blended into the background. They tried, masterfully, to pass it off like a joke but, unluckily, I liked him. What hurts me the most is that they focused on some uninteresting characters instead, like the faceless girls and some student council members. Someone may call me irrational but, in my defense, it's normal to set some expectations since he was featured on every cover, poster, etc, and he was the first protagonist to be introduced.
All in all, it's a show that I will recommend to comedy fans despite my disappointments. In my opinion, it has some of the best comedic moments out there. It just happened to have some elements that didn't click with me.
Note: A huge shout-out to Yassan and Hidenori's poetry, they cracked me up every time. If I had to pick my favorite scene, it'd be every single one that includes them.
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- (4/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2012
Main Studio Sunrise
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