March 27, 2014
24 min
Due to various events, Yuuta and Rikka are living together. This secret co-habitation is so exciting for the two lovebirds! Or so it should be...
Is having a chuuni girlfriend too high of a hurdle for Yuuta, who never even went out with a normal girl?! Yuuta worries about how to advance his relationship with Rikka. And then everyone else, Nibutani, Kumin, and Dekomori, have powered up by advancing a grade. Furthermore, the cause of his chuunibyou outburst in middle school, the girl who calls herself Sophia Ring Saturn the 7th, Satone Shichimiya appears...
This is the long-awaited second season of the adolescent romantic comedy revolving around chuunibyou that makes you laugh and cry.
(Source: Animax)
Rikka Takanashi
Maaya Uchida
Yuuta Togashi
Jun Fukuyama
Sanae Dekomori
Sumire Uesaka
Shinka Nibutani
Chinatsu Akasaki
Kumin Tsuyuri
Azumi Asakura
Satone Shichimiya
Juri Nagatsuma
Touka Takanashi
Eri Sendai
Makoto Isshiki
Souichirou Hoshi
Kuzuha Togashi
Kaori Fukuhara
Yumeha Togashi
Mami Shitara
Togashi no Haha
Yuri Amano
Takanashi no Haha
Junko Iwao
Nanase Tsukumo
Kikuko Inoue
Yuri Yamaoka
Sui Nemuri
Mai Nakahara
Kazari Kannagi
Manami Shirakawa
Natsumi Tokugawa
Ami Koshimizu
87/100A great sequel that focuses more on romance/drama. You’ll enjoy every second of the new action and romance to follow!Continue on AniList“The moment you say a word of parting, you've already parted. So long as you and I are both somewhere in this world, we haven’t parted. So long as you don’t say it, you haven’t parted.” - Satone Shichimiya
After reflecting on the events of this season for a bit, I can definitely say that this one was my favorite of the two. This might be because (unpopular opinion maybe) my best girl Shichimiya was introduced, but that’s for you to decide. This season definitely turned up the heat when it came to the romance department, and we were now faced with the development of Rikka and Yutas relationship. I really did enjoy how they went about the various scenarios and challenges that the couple faced, but most of them were pretty commonly used in other romance/dramas I’ve seen. It was all still enjoyable thought because of the way that it was presented, it’s was made to still be enjoyable for all of us. Even some of the filler episodes on the side were used for the character development of the supporting characters! There were also a lot more action scenes, which were both funny and entertaining to watch. Without further ado, here’s my review of Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions! Throb.
Art and Animation: 8.7/10
- It goes without saying that the art style of this anime is definitely one of my favorites. I really enjoyed the added vibrancy to colors and extra detail to the surrounding background environment. The only thing it lacked in was consistency. I had noticed a good number of parts when either the lip syncing wasn’t too great or even when limb movements were very choppy. This was most noticeable during action scenes, when there was a lot to focus on. Nothing too major, but it still wasn’t consistent as last season.
Storyline and Character Progression: 8.9/10
- I really enjoyed where they took the storyline in this season. It was packed with a lot more emotion and drama that held your attention once the ball got rolling. Both the interactions and development were executed in a way that preserved the overall tone and mood of the storyline while drama was happening. The only downside to this was the WAY they got into these situations. The some of the situations were pretty generic and predictable, as I’ve seen with countless other romance/dramas. But the other few times had really connected with the characters circumstances. These few moments were truly unique in themselves, and is the reason why the storyline didn’t feel stale or overused. One of the only few mistakes I could say about this was the utter waste of a character Isshiki was in this season. He didn’t fit into the story at all, and truly felt like a forgettable side character that appeared at the most random moments.
Soundtrack and Audio: 8.6/10
- I personally enjoyed the OP for this season a lot more than the first one. Both the audio and animations for it were beautiful and definitely represented the anime very accurately. Even the few new characters who were introduced had great voice actors that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. No one can beat that amazing laugh of Shichimiyas!!! All the original voice actors were kept the same and were as good as always. This too can be applied to the sound effects used as well. The only thing that kept the score from being higher was the lack of raw emotion or impact the soundtrack had. While it was definitely great from a technical point of view, it didn’t connect nearly as well emotionally for a romance/slice of life.
And that’s all! While I did personally enjoy this season more, it did have its odd moments and mistakes. This is why it gets its score of 8.7 in the end. Still, I’d highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a romance that’s on the lighter side of things. With its great comedy elements and decent romance plot, you’ll be entertained throughout the entire anime. No episode feels like a waste of time, because each and every one of them is an adventure into the mysterious world of Chuunibyou!!!
Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll A570N
85/100L'histoire d'une jeune fille atteinte d'un syndrome dont elle ne souhaitait pas guérir.Continue on AniList# **Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions** *(**[Saison 1](** et **[saison 2](** disponibles sur ADN)* *NB : cette review englobera l'intégralité de la série.* --- ***Synopsis*** >La Chûnibyô est une affection qui touche les adolescents. Les jeunes frappés de ce mal se mettent en tête de vivre leurs délires dans la réalité. Yûta pensait avoir laissé cette partie de l'âge ingrat dans son passé, mais la voilà qui le rattrape de manière inattendue… *Source : ADN* --- ***Histoire***
À première vue, l'histoire peut sembler ridicule car elle aborde un thème relativement enfantin et accrocher le public avec peut être difficile. Mais en réalité, chaque épisode a droit à son lot de fous rires et de scènes cultes, et permet réellement de s’évader. On se laisse petit à petit prendre au jeu de la Chûnibyô grâce au fait que le studio a décidé d’animer ce que les personnages croient se passer dans leur tête. C’est une des forces de la série et le résultat est tout simplement somptueux. Mais la cerise sur le gâteau, c’est la touche dramatique subtilement ajoutée, notamment lors du moment où l’on apprend que dans le cas précis de Rikka, la Chûnibyô a été un moyen pour elle de s’évader et d’étouffer son chagrin dû à la mort de son père. La série mélange donc à merveille comédie pure, combats rocambolesques et psychologie. --- ***Personnages***
**Rikka Takanashi** L'élément central : petite, maladroite, fragile, timide, hilarante. Difficile de ne pas s’y attacher. **Yûta Togashi** Les nombreuses scènes où l'on peut le voir embarrassé à cause de son passé nous donne droit à des réactions inestimables. Un protagoniste très divertissant mais qui manque parfois de jugeote et surtout de confiance en soi. **Shinka Nibutani** La maman du groupe. Elle veut que tous aient la meilleure d’image possible d’elle dû à son passé lié à la Chûnibyô, mais malgré les apparences, elle est en fait très caractérielle et parfois un peu maladroite, ce qui la rend très amusante. En réalité, elle tient à son club plus que n’importe qui et est très attachée à ses relations avec chaque membre (même Dekomori). **Sanae Dekomori** Peut-être le personnage le plus absurde et le plus drôle de cette série. Elle est profondément atteinte de Chûnibyô, ce qui la rend le plus souvent idiote mais non moins comique. La scène à la gare où Yûta lui jette la vérité en pleine figure et détruit son "monde" la rend d’autant plus attachante. **Kumin** et **Isshiki** sont également excellents. Un peu plus en retrait, ils participent tout de même à la bonne dynamique du groupe. **Tooka** Comme pour Rikka, quand on en apprend plus sur son passé et sur ses réelles intentions, on finit par s'y attacher. Tout ce qui lui importe, c’est le bien de sa soeur et elle est simplement maladroite pour le faire savoir, ce qui entraîne souvent des situations hilarantes entre le groupe et elle. **Satone Shichimiya** Elle est littéralement à l’origine du passé de Yûta et de sa rencontre avec Rikka. Avec du recul et de l’empathie, on s’attache naturellement à elle, et en apprenant la vérité à son sujet, on finit même par trouver sa situation injuste. À mes yeux, elle aurait presque tout autant mérité que Rikka de finir aux côtés de Yûta. --- ***Visuel***
*KyoAni* reste fidèle à son style distinguable entre tous. Très complet à tous les niveaux : décors magnifiques, expressions faciales des personnages très fluides et communicatives et "affrontements" de très haut niveau. --- ***Audio***
Les opening (en particulier le [premier]( sont très immersifs et l’[ending 1]( interprété par les seiyû est juste un bonheur à écouter. Les OST quant à eux s’adaptent parfaitement aux différentes atmosphères. --- ***Appréciation***
L'adaptation animée a beau être sortie en 2012, on retrouve tout le savoir-faire de *KyoAni* pour la rendre très agréable à regarder. Ils arrivent comme toujours à mixer des scènes très enjouées, du combat animé avec maîtrise et des scènes poignantes. Une des meilleures comédies qu’il m’ait été donné de voir. --- >**Saison 1** Histoire : 8 Personnages : 9 Visuel : 8.5 Audio : 8.5 Appréciation : 9 **Note globale : 8.6** >**Saison 2** Histoire : 8 Personnages : 9 Visuel : 8.5 Audio : 8 Appréciation : 8.5 **Note globale : 8.4** **Merci infiniment de m'avoir lu jusqu'au bout !**
***Review écrite le 27/05/2020***
70/100The show starts off strong, but Rikka's and Yuuta's relationship stagnates at the end.Continue on AniListSeason 2 of Chunibyo is great... until the latter half. The show starts off strong. Drama unfolds in the latter half, similar to the first season; however, unlike the first season, season 2 ends on an anti-climatic note, and the drama itself was weak.
At the start, Rikka and Yuuta get put in a new situation. Rikka's sister has to move out, leaving Rikka alone. Thus, Rikka moves into with Yuuta's house, and the couple starts living together, tackling everyday issues like a married couple. They get a chance to cement their feelings, and their friends even get involved to discuss Rikka's and Yuuta's love life. We also get great episodes dedicated to the supporting cast. Kyoto Animation manages to make a quiet activity like napping exciting! Nibutani and Sanae get their relationship explored, and their scenes were one of those most heartfelt and wholesome ones in the show.
During the latter half of the show, a love triangle arises between Yuuta, Rikka and Shichimiya. Shichimiya can't decide whether she has affections for Yuuta or not, and she doesn't function as a effective rival for Rikka. Usually a second love interest adds a sense of urgency to a couple confessing their feelings for each other, but Rikka has already made a "lover's contract" with Yuuta, so Shichimiya is doomed from the start. Not only that, instead of enhancing the relationship between Rikka and Yuuta, the enfolding drama detracts from it. We get too many episodes focusing on Shichimiya's feelings, while Rikka gets sidelined. Rikka gets some screen time in the second half, but it doesn't make sense.
The theme of chunibyo powers is not used consistently. In the first season, chunibyo represented an escape from reality, growing up, and accepting loss (in the case of Rikka). In the latest one, chunibyo is inversely tied to love. That makes sense, but it is used inconsistently. We see our two female leads lose their powers at some point in time. However, they regain it so quickly, the impact of their loss is never truly felt by the viewer. Speaking of impact, random deus ex machina events also hurt the show.
Random plot events interrupt heartfelt scenes or potential bonding moments. For example, at one point, Rikka and Yuuta organize some alone time to go on a date, and we were supposed to see their relationship advance -- that gets interrupted. Another time, Shichimiya attempts to confront Yuuta about her feelings -- random plot event happens at that moment. Even the climax of the anime gets interrupted by an unrelated, out-of-the-blue event cutting off all suspense and leaving an anti-climatic feel. Even though the execution was weak, KyoAni still gets props for its catchy songs and great animation.
Kyoto Animation did a stellar job with the animation and OP/ED as usual. Fight scenes look epic, with an abundance of special effects, similar to the first season and other KyoAni works like Maid Dragon Kobayashi. The OP and ED are catchy and memorable. The OP syncs with the music nicely, it's cute how Rikka falls down during the character carousel, and gorgeous animation is everywhere. The ED had bass and musical effects that are pleasant to listen to. During the ED, the cast make these funny, cute chunibyo poses.
Conclusion: Chunibyo 2 starts off strong, and we see a budding relationship develop between Rikka and Yuuta. However, the romance drama that develops in the second half features a weak love interest and doesn't have the same payoff that the first season did.
ANIME ComedyEromanga Sensei
ANIME ActionRewrite 2nd Season
ANIME ComedyHi Score Girl II
- (3.7/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2014
Main Studio Kyoto Animation
Trending Level 2
Favorited by 1,990 Users
Hashtag #CHU2KOI