September 2, 2018
What do you do if you're going on 18, totally awkward and lacking in self-confidence? You could just sit in your room all day and all night and study and wonder why you never get asked out…OR, if you’re Woo-Yeon Song you could join up with the Spirit Fingers – the strangest, hippest, coolest (yet most welcoming) art club ever. But as Woo-Yeon is about to learn, discovering your TRUE colors is about more than just painting.
(Source: WEBTOONS, edited)
Gijung Nam
Wooyeon Song
Green Nam
Sunho Goo
70/100Some issues but overall gets the message across and is entertaining enough throughout. Albeit with a weak start. 7/10Continue on AniListThe story is about a shy somewhat unimpressive girl joining a group called the spirit fingers, where people of all ages are allowed to be in. This is her story of coming out of her shell and becoming her own person. With the help of everyone around her.
The series starts weak honestly. The art isn't that impressive (massively changes for weird reasons as well). The comedy isn't that funny and somewhat repetitive. The characters motivations and they themselves aren't that enjoyable to watch either.
This sort of shifts at around chapter 30ish. When we get to know more about the main cast, the characters personalities and generally the series overall becomes much more fun as more and more characters introduced. The drama surrounding certain characters is revealed in more detail.
Throughout the series it just basically grows on you. I can't pinpoint the shift exactly. But suddenly the art style wasn't so bad anymore, the characters personalities weren't so annoying anymore and the comedy starting hitting more than missing. I think this is the gradual change that happens alongside the FMC. When she becomes more confident the series overall becomes more brighter.
Its very enjoyable to watch her become the social butterfly from someone who couldn't even talk to other people. The series does such a great job of showing us that. I do think the side characters could use some work. The male lead especially wasn't really that likable. I mean he grew on me but much much later than everyone else.
The side romances as well was done somewhat poorly. Like this series is a dating romance series and is able to show the tough part of being in a relationship. But at the same time you know it has the cliches that, my work is real important, im not good enough. But these aren't really that problematic either.
I think i disapprove a bit of the message here. I like the fact that the female lead goes through this change. And i like watching her become something that she can be proud. But I don't like the motivation behind it. Yes the people you meet can change you. However this series feels like its saying that the people you meet are cool, exciting, ridiculous, overly friendly than yeah you too can be kinda social than before. As such the message gets a bit muddled. They help her too much and it takes that standing on your 2 feet away. Despite this she still grows herself so yeah.
Some of the characters also just kinda disappear? Like they get removed from the series like Launch did from Dragon ball z. It's not that they are gone but more like the author forgot they existed. The series also drones on for like 30 chapters too long.
Reading this series reminded me of Princess Jellyfish. Its another series where an incredibly shy girl comes out of her shell. The difference however is the fact that the writing in Spirit Fingers is just 100x smarter. And even though the pacing can be slow its not a fucking snooze fest The comedy is also slightly funnier. The romance is much much better. To me this is the series that Princess Jellyfish but falls flat on its face
I think when tying up all the loose ends as well it could have done a much better job. It felt too easy and lazy. The characters also had these issues where everyone else was to blame but themselves. The son is a dick because the mom is a bitch because the father is an asshole because the company is tough etc. This is complete bullshit. Its on thing for the characters to feel this way. Its another for the author to show us and make us want to believe this garbage.
It also has a comedic timing problem.. This is a big issue in every series but doesn't mean i won't mention it. The comedic timing is bad. When making a series discussion. I don't wanna hit with the lanky ass drawing about some stupid ass joke. Its an emotional moment let the scene past.
Despite the issues i mentioned, I think the good part about this series outweighs the bad. The main message of this series is also clear. Though it does kind of hammer it in a little bit.
98/100A story that offers many colors for you to fall in love with.Continue on AniListWhat is pink? a rose is pink
By a fountain's brink.
What is red? a poppy's red
In its barley bed.
What is blue? the sky is blue
Where the clouds float thro'.
What is white? a swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow? pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green? the grass is green,
With small flowers between.
What is violet? clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange? Why, an orange,
Just an orange!Color
Normally I like to gradually follow the story, however long it takes for the chapters to be released. In the case of Spirit Fingers, the comic had already been finished, so I read it non-stop on one of those Sundays with little sun and high expectations.
To say that I read every chapter of Spirit Fingers in less than a day is an exaggeration. It took me 26 hours in total, and in the end I was just as extremely depressed when I finish one of those books or movies that I carry forever in my heart.
It will probably always be in my top 10. The pretty art and colors, the growth of the main and secondary characters... Everything was worked with humor and realism in the right dose.
I like how the plot seems to come out of an American romantic comedy and how it was perfectly adapted to a story set in South Korea. As much as we go crazy about the romance scenes, the chapters about best friends, brothers, wishes and insecurities are equally precious.
All characters have personalities, similarities and differences. Some scenes are extremely exaggerated and this makes the story even more comical, specially the boys school on the top of a mountain. It was really funny to read!
The interpersonal relationships and family disagreements, however, manage to maintain the necessary balance and seriousness.
We are talking about a protagonist with low self-esteem, who has always been compared to her talented older brother and prodigy younger brother, as she tries to fit in and find herself somehow, going through embarrassing situations.
In some ways, the protagonist of Spirit Fingers (Amy Song) reminds me of the protagonist of True Beauty (Jugyeong), but much more mature and strong, despite being younger. She's not perfect and far from insecure, but she's made impressive progress thanks to her own efforts and the support of other characters.
The funniest art club in fiction really colored my life and reminded me that it's never too late to find out and that even those who seem to be in complete control of their own lives are surprised by fate.
I don't like spoilers, but here's one: Spirit Fingers will probably touch your soul, just like it did mine. I hope you can enjoy this story, and if you're feeling lost, remember: there are always fun things to do, even if you don't have the talent for it.
I don't know yet what's the color of my life. Maybe is purple, cian, gray. However, I know it will be beautiful.
85/100(English / Portuguese) A captivating journey with a colorful cast of characters, pun intended.Continue on AniListThis review contains minor spoilers.
Spirit Fingers... Where should I start? Hmm... I must say that I was excited about this manhwa from the beginning, but for external reasons. However, Spirit Fingers is really captivating, amidst all its visual identity full of colors, contrasts, textures and pop culture references.
__Art Style__ First of all, Spirit Fingers' art style is very good, although not at all stunning, mostly due to the colors, exactly as it should be, resonating with the narrative and the theme of the plot — a journey to discover your own color — but let's go by parts.
The art style, despite being close to something simple, has enough identity, it is not generic. It has a cartoonish style and exaggerated expressions, a decision that works well in comedic moments (the vast majority of the manhwa). The author plays with textures and colors, making these aspects very evident through the contrast of the characters with the background or with their own clothes, for example. The character designs are consistent with their respective personality, but the author also plays with that, adhering to a dress code that varies weekly, revealing other sides of the characters. As a whole, despite not being something extremely well detailed, it matches the atmosphere, and I really like it. Oh, the cover illustrations are VERY good.
__Plot__ The plot isn't the most original thing in the world, thinking about it, it's simple, but it's functional in conveying it's ideas. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-esteem development that touches on themes such as family problems, dreams for the future and friendship. However, it's quite comedic. If the humour, as always subjective, is not to your liking, it may be difficult for the drama to be enough to keep you interested until the end. There aren't many moments that made me laugh out loud, but it was enough to make me read with a smile on my face. The conflicts of the main characters' inner journey are well defined and present during its hundred and so chapters, but some external conflicts could be better developed.
__Characters__ To be honest, some characters end up not being so memorable or developed, falling into a portion of one-dimensionality, like Brown Finger and Pink Finger, for example. They have a certain dominant personality trait, without many contradictions and other curious aspects to discover beyond what was initially shown. The characters that serve as "antagonists" at certain points in the story are hardly developed either (with one exception, although I found it blunt and didn't buy the idea). Still, I like most of the characters, as they are captivating due to their interpersonal relationships and the sympathy generated by the funny moments. The Spirit Fingers Club is a safe haven, a place where everyone can have fun, regardless of age or ability, and it's pretty clear how much the club members value this moment. Before long, I also felt like a member of Spirit Fingers. The characters support each other, have a good time, help each other grow and discover themselves. Some also have their own problems or objectives, developed alongside the protagonist and the co-protagonist. So, even though they're not all extremely complex, I still like them a lot. Finally, some character conflicts are believable and easy to identify, though not all of them.
__Enjoyment__ I had a lot of fun reading this manhwa, it was definitely a positive experience, because the message it wants to convey is very clear throughout and is extremely beneficial. Filled with references to pop culture, subcultures, styles and decades, it was a lot of fun as a whole.
Portuguese Translation .
Essa review contém leves spoilers.
Spirit Fingers... Por onde começar? Devo dizer que eu estava empolgado com a obra desde o começo, mas por motivos externos. Entretanto, a obra é realmente cativante, em meio à toda sua identidade visual repleta de cores, contrastes e texturas.
__Art Style__ Primeiramente, o traço de Spirit Fingers é muito bom, ainda que não seja nada estonteante, e grande parte disso, pra mim, deve-se às cores, exatamente como deveria ser, ressoando com a narrativa e a temática da obra — uma jornada para descobrir a própria cor —, mas vamos por partes.
O estilo dos traços, apesar de serem puxados para algo mais simples, tem identidade, não é genérico. Bastante peso é colocado em traços caricatos e expressões exageradas, decisão que funciona bem, nos momentos de comédia (grande maioria do manhwa). A autora brinca com texturas e cores, deixando esses aspectos bem evidentes através do contraste dos personagens com o cenário ou com as próprias roupas, por exemplo. O design dos personagens é coerente com sua respectiva personalidade, mas a autora também brinca com isso, aderindo a um código de vestimenta que varia semanalmente, revelando outros lados dos personagens. Como um todo, apesar de não ser algo extremamente bem detalhado, combina com a atmosfera da obra, e eu gosto bastante. Entretanto, as ilustrações de capas são MUITO bonitas.
__Plot__ O enredo não é a coisa mais original do mundo, parando pra analisar, chega a ser simples, mas é funcional em passar suas ideias. É uma jornada de autodescoberta e desenvolvimento de autoestima que toca em temas como problemas familiares, sonhos para o futuro e amizade. Entretanto, é bem puxado para a comédia. Se a comédia, como sempre subjetiva, não for de agrado, pode ser difícil o drama ser o suficiente para prender o leitor. Não existem muitos momentos que me fizeram rir alto, mas foi o suficiente para me fazer ler com um sorriso no rosto. Os conflitos da jornada interior dos personagens principais são bem definidos e presentes durante sua centena de capítulos, mas alguns conflitos externos deixam a desejar.
__Personagens__ Pra ser sincero, alguns personagens acabam não sendo tão memoráveis ou desenvolvidos, caindo até mesmo numa parcela de unidimensionalidade, como o Brown Finger e a Pink Finger, por exemplo. Eles possuem um certo traço de personalidade dominante, sem muitas contradições e outros aspectos curiosos a serem descobertos além daquilo que foi mostrado inicialmente. Os personagens que servem de "antagonistas" em certos pontos da história são dificilmente desenvolvidos também (com uma exceção, ainda que eu tenha achado brusco e não tenha comprado a ideia tanto assim). Ainda assim, eu gosto da maioria dos personagens, pois eles são cativantes devido às suas relações interpessoais e à simpatia gerada pelos momentos descontraídos. O clube dos Spirit Fingers é um porto seguro, um lugar onde cada um pode se divertir, independente de idade ou habilidade, e fica bem claro como os integrantes do clube valorizam isso. Em pouco tempo, eu também me senti como um membro dos Spirit Fingers. Os personagens se apoiam, passam por bons momentos, ajudam uns aos outros a crescer e se encontrar. Alguns também possuem seus próprios problemas, desenvolvidos paralelamente da protagonista e do coprotagonista. Assim, mesmo que eles não sejam todos extremamente complexos, eu ainda gosto bastante deles. Por último, alguns conflitos dos personagens são críveis e fáceis de se identificar, ainda que não todos.
__Enjoyment__ Eu me diverti bastante lendo esse manhwa, com certeza foi uma experiência positiva, pois a mensagem que ele quer passar fica bem clara no seu decorrer e é extremamente benéfica. Repleto de referências à cultura pop, subculturas, estilos e épocas, foi bem divertido como um todo.
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- (4.05/5)
Ended inSeptember 2, 2018
Favorited by 417 Users