March 27, 2021
Konatsu is doing her best to adapt to her new school, but being required to join a club has introduced additional pressures. Her friendly classmate Kaede invites her to join the Home Ec Club, but Konatsu hasn’t even had time to consider which club she’s interested in. Meanwhile, Koyuki is like a ray of sunshine in Konatsu’s cloudy world. Will Konatsu join the Aquarium Club?
(Source: Viz Media)
Koyuki Honami
Konatsu Amano
Kaede Hirose
100/100(Minor spoilers) "Will you be lonely without me?" A master class of fiction, showing the feeling of loneliness so well.Continue on AniListA Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow is a story almost anyone can relate to. Through both females leads, Konatsu Amano and Koyuki Honami, the story shows the need for relationships, expressing one's true feelings, and the effects loneliness can have on oneself. Konastu, a first-year, moves to a new town from Tokyo. Alone from friends and family, Konastu would fall into loneliness, only being pulled out by Honami, a second-year. Honami is an almost perfect girl. She's athletic and smart; however, all of these expectations lead her to create a fake persona. She bottles down her true self deep inside, afraid to break people's expectations of her. Through the two meetings, they change each other greatly. The story follows not just the two girls developing each other, but the struggle and story of several other side characters. Each arc and story have been done masterfully.
The best part of the manga is the main leads, Konatsu and Koyuki. Konatsu's struggle throughout the story is brilliantly done. Konastsu struggles with herself deeply. Having to come to terms with herself to move forward in life. Koyuki's arc is much of the same brilliant writing. Koyuki's struggle parallels Konastsu a lot but differs itself enough to feel fresh and interesting. As individual character arcs, both are amazing; however, what pushes A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow to a masterpiece is the dynamic Konastsu and Koyuki share. They each are the main driving force behind each other's changes in life. As they both individually change, the dynamic changes and struggles. Ultimately climaxing in one of the best emotional payoffs in all of manga.
The side cast of A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow is just as compelling as the leads. Each of the several side characters experiences a different type of mental struggle, many having to do with loneliness. Every character ending in a completely satisfying and enjoyable conclusion similar to the leads.
The story of A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow is simple. It tells the story of two girls becoming friends and changing each other. The story is constantly moving and is put at a great pace that kept me wanting more. As we switch P.O.V. between the two leads we get a different insight into how they each see the situation they're in. A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow has one of the greatest emotional payoffs in all of manga. The buildup of both leads and other side characters conclude and explode in moments that give me a feeling of pure amazement.
The story is aided by great uses of symbolism. The story alludes Salamander and Other Stories by Masuji Ibuse in the use of his characters, the salamander and the frog. The two animals are used masterfully to develop and give an insight into the two lead's mental states. The symbolism gives rise to some of the best panels and moments in the manga, giving me moments of serotonin and awe.
The art of the manga is definitely the weakest part. The art at times looks unfinished and average compared to other manga art. However, the art at its best becomes the best part of the manga. Even with my criticism of the art at times, there are many moments of beauty in the story. Makoto Hagino has an amazing talent for portraying facial emotions for her characters. When the art needs to show a character expressing their emotions, Makoto Hagino does so magnificently. She can create faces that feel almost real.
The main theme of A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow is loneliness. The characters all experience and suffer greatly from loneliness. As the story progresses and the characters move on from that feeling of loneliness, major life lessons of opening up to people and expressing how you truly feel take root. A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow is one of the few pieces of fiction that have affected me so much they changed how I live.
If you can't figure it out by now, I highly recommend this to you. You should drop whatever you are doing to read this masterpiece. It's a story almost anyone can relate to. With payoffs that go beyond just the manga but into real life. I confidently give A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow a 10/10 and now sits comfortably as my 2nd favorite piece of fiction.martonko
95/100I didn't know what I was going to read. And it turned out one of the best things I've ever read.Continue on AniListor romance can be shown without a kiss</center>~~~ <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span><img width='350' src=''></span></span> First of all, this is my first review, so I apologize for the mistakes<center> __ Prologue : I found this manga only thanks to the fact that I found the fan art of both main characters on the anilist page. At the beginning I was not very interested in it, before that I saw __Yagate Kimi ni Naru__ and __ Adachi to Shimamura__ some of the best yuri anime I have ever seen. And at first I compared this manga to Yagate Kimi ni Naru but I quickly found out that this manga will be much different than the mentioned anime. Nettai-gyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru takes the best of Yagate Kimi ni Naru and adds her amazing artstyle and amazing atmosphere. Each Arch was amazing, when the Koyuki and Konatsu met,how they became more and more friends, how they found their way to each other, but even though not everything was the best. __Charakters :__ Characters are amazingly written. Both MC are amazing, what they do gives a logical explanation,the characters are not poorly written, that the reader would hold his head, that what decision the character did, from Konatsu and Koyuki are feeling their emotions. While reading, you will live their moments with them (good, bad or sad moments). It is true that the main duo pulls the story, but the supporting characters do not lag behind at all. I haven't seen for a long time that the side characters have such a good backstory. The Koyuki family is amazing, merumile and very understanding. We won't see the Konatsu family there much, but even those moments with her father are worth it. If you let me choose, the best supporting characters are Kaede-chan and Fuyuki (Koyuki's little brother). They are both amazing, yes it may look like Kaede is just another hyperactive girl but in the manga we will learn why she is as she is. On the other hand, Fuyuki looks like an ordinary boy who caresses his own and doesn't care about the others. But the manga will show us his true face and how he respects his family. Each of the characters is kawaii and has their own personality / soul. __Art :__ Art, for some it can be ordinary, uninteresting just boring.For me, the artstyle is amazing. This artstyle evokes even greater emotions in me and adds something extra to every single page. It's simple and I like that. I don't need to have an excess of things that overlap each other and I don't really know what's going on on each page. beauty is simplicity and here it is 100 times true. The faces are really good, it reminds me a lot of Koe no Katachi (A silent voice) and you can read from them their feelings, mood and what they think. </center> <span class='markdown_spoiler'><span><img width='270' src=''></span></span>
Story :
As I wrote above, the story may be reminiscent of Yagate Kimi ni Naru (you know two schoolgirls one older one younger, they will make a friendship and will gradually turn into greater and greater romance. But it's not like that. Yes, the beginning is similar, but the continuation is completely different (We're talking about anime, not manga I'm just comparing the anime Yagate Kimi ni Naru to this manga or manguYagate Kimi ni Naru I haven't read yet). From the first meeting until the last trip together, the whole manga will keep you reading, and whenever you want to stop, you will say that "oh scratch it, one more chapter" (my case). This manga plays very well with emotions, especially with loneliness(I felt more alone them than they did XD) but it's so well done that you'll be afraid of how it will turn out and you won't want to stop reading as I wrote. The relationship between Koyuki and Konatsu is amazing, I haven't seen a nice relationship in a long time, normally feel their mutual feelings between them just really well done. The comparison of salamadra and frog is amazing, it may sound strange but as nice as it explains in manga, it will only give you even more manga enjoiment. This manga proved something that citrus as an anime did not, as I wrote entirely on top
Romance can be shown even without use a kiss or other "such" things (but yes citrus is something completely different). The only minus I can give is that there are few chapters, I can imagine that if there are a little more chapters so it overcomes any yuri anime /manga.Epilogue :
I believe there will be an anime adaptation sometimes. if so, maybe a tear will fall
I definitely recommend to read this manga. I didn't expect to excite me so much. I can say for myself that I really enjoyed this manga. The story was amazing, the artstyle fascinated me and the characters were great, I'll definitely go back to this manga once and read it again (maybe I'll buy physical copies).if you've read this far, thank you, I hope it wasn't so bad
be sure to try itbloominlotus
100/100i want to be your salamanderㅡsee you again, my frog: my beautiful frog and salamander couple, a priceless piece.Continue on AniListi don't care if i got yuri baited from this piece, i don't care if the author said it's not yuriㅡit stills yuri piece in my head. beautiful blue and pink yuri for me.
the art, the storyline, and the characterization are all phenomenal. beautifully written yuri about konatsu who came into koyuki's life and gets her out of her shell. from koyuki being lonely, pushing herself so hard she had to fits in everyone's expectations, being so hard on herself that she was so afraid of showing herself in front of others to her bravely communicates everything with konatsuㅡat the end she realizes she's not afraid of being herself anymore because people accept her for who she is and she lives her life just fine even after graduated.
to put it simply, konatsu and koyuki found each at their most lonelinest time. they learned things that have been weighing them down. they changed each other's lives without them knowing and learn to love each other along the way. they are soulmates that meant to be with each other. a match made from heaven. so beautiful the way their heart beats for each other, their heart hurts whenever they have conflicts with each other and not be able to solve it right away. what i am saying is, for me, konatsu and koyuki's feelings are more than anything people can point about. they need each other, they want each other, and they love each other.
for all those times where koyuki was so hard to even text konatsu and tell about her feelings that was actually so devastated because she has this issue with herself that feels a bit like home.. not being able to do what she wants and only dwelling over what ifs inside her head. she overthinks a lot the whole first episodesㅡnot listening to her feelings and just let herself to become more hard on herself. it hurts me the most when konatsu and koyuki can't be together most of times :") i love them so much they are so cute together. my baby frog and salamander couple ♡
the tropical fish, aquarium, and frog salamander prefences the author made are the best of all. i find beauty on those thingsㅡkoyuki, riku, george, all adorable. this manga is simply one of the best. i am really not good with words and i feel like what i said is not even enough to describe how i love this manga. for me it's everything. the life lessons, the storyline, the characters, even the parents character. everything is the best. so perfect. i am so in love with the preferences of how salamander needs its frog and they become each other's salamander and frog, together forever :")♡ i hope they live happily ever after.
i'm just blabbering i just love them so much there's soooo many beautiful lines each main character has said about and to each other, like, "in the vast sea.. i found you." and many more T___T♡ and i treasure each of it. reading this has become the best thing i did this week. truly recommended. love this one. ♡
MANGA DramaYoru to Umi
MANGA DramaYagate Kimi ni Naru
MANGA RomanceKase-san Series
MANGA ComedyHana ni Arashi
MANGA RomanceAdachi to Shimamura
MANGA RomanceAdachi to Shimamura
MANGA ComedySasameki Koto
- (3.8/5)
Ended inMarch 27, 2021
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