December 18, 2020
24 min
Aloof and logical middle school third-year Yuusuke Yotsuya is transported to a game-like alternate world. He becomes a third player and takes on a dangerous quest with his classmates Iu Shindo and Kusue Hakozaki, who were transported there earlier. The cold Yuusuke eschews emotionalism and examines all elements with detachment, sometimes even toying with the lives of his companions. Can he protect his party from attacking monsters, difficult incidents, and powerful scheming enemies and win the game?
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Yuusuke Yotsuya
Yuuto Uemura
Iu Shindou
Risa Kubota
Kusue Hakozaki
Azumi Waki
Yuka Tokitate
Makoto Koichi
Chiwa Saitou
Game Master
Norio Wakamoto
Keita Torii
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Maaya Sakamoto
Ryouta Takeuchi
Mariko Honda
Shouya Chiba
Reiou Tsuchida
Nobuaki Kanemitsu
Volcano Oota
30/100I wasted my time on this anime and I would like it back please.Continue on AniListYou ever watch something and then realize you wasted time out of your precious life on a pile of shit. That is me as I'm writing this review. You might be wondering, if I hate this show so much why did I bother finishing it? Two reasons. First, momma didn't carry me for nine months, push my head out of her, and work three jobs to feed me for me to grow up and be a little bitch. Second, I had to solve the mystery of how something so terrible would actually get the funding to exist. I'm sad to say that I'm a failure at solving mysteries and I hate humanity more than the shitty main character of this show. I'm Standing on a Million Lives? More like I'm Standing on Zero Interest. Also, watch out because I'm going to spoil the two possible spoilers in this shit show.
__Story__ Bitches go to another world to save theirs and they do video game quest things. That's it. Now let me say that this doesn't make this show a bad show. Not every anime has to be completely unique and only have concepts nobody else has thought of, it just means you have to do something to set yourself apart. I'm Standing on Zero Effort does not do that and instead has about 4 seconds of original content flowing through its veins. Notice how I'm not talking about the story? Because there is no story.
__Characters__ Fuck me these characters are trash. I have so little attachment to them that I forgot all of their names and I literally finished this anime twenty minutes ago. We have a generic fuck main boy who is not popular, edgy, and hates the world because of a bear and a tree or some shit. Sports girl who is good at sports but relies on the main dick for about one minute and is never intreasting. Like this bitch gets lost when she has a map in her eye that she can look at any time she wants. The only cool thing about her is when she catches her own cut of arm. There is a sick girl who is sick and weak and wants to not be sick and weak. Finally, there is nerd girl who is the only likable character for the sole reason that she is a nerd. Character development? how about instead we give the characters one big moment the exact episode you meet them and call it a day. There is literally an episode 11 emotional character moment in episode 2, pacing is non-existent. Speaking of which.
__Pacing__ Y'all want twenty minutes of content crammed into four? How about two minutes of content stretched to fill an episode? Why is this section so short? Because if the show doesn't have to pace things out neither do I.
__Music__ The thing about this anime that I can say is good throughout. The opening and ending are both bops and the soundtrack has some really nice songs in it. It's honestly a shame that such great music is wasted on a fuck boy thinking about how he hates his classmates and his mom forgot to wash his clothes so he had to wear dirty ones and the bus blew up thanks to pirates and his shoes got wet. I never want to watch this shit again but if I did it would be for the music.
__The Bad__ There's a lot so I'm gonna speedrun this shit.
- Boring as fuck
- The closest characters to good characters are nerd girl and a Darkness rip off
- This show explains things in four-second flashes and expects you to keep up. I still don't know why fuck boy hates things so much. There was a bear and a tree and no fucking explanation.
- Pacing is an absolute mess
- Characters have so little personality that everything they do or say feels out of character
- Some of the "jokes" are so unfunny I actually thought they were important plot points
- There are no real villains. Just bad people.
- The main character kills someone, finds out it was a parallel world and not a virtual one, and starts to hate people in the real world for no reason
- No actions have consequences
- There is literally almost nothing at stake at any time.
- I hate my life
- There's more my brain has just tried blocking this shit out of my memory
__The Good__ - Music was good
- I laughed once
__Conclusion__ The money used for this anime could have been used for cancer research instead...
62/100As an Isekai, has mostly of the tropes of the genre, but a little bit fresh in some way.Continue on AniListQuick review with no spoilers:
As an Isekai, has mostly of the tropes of the genre, but a little bit fresh in some way. Animation or art is not his strong points, but the character developement is, at least, interesting. Slightly touches on some moral issues wich improves the complex of the plot. Not bad for a first season.More extensive review:
At the first of all, te show present himself to us as a hackneyed anime, with not relevant characters, trasnported to another world, where, in fact, they can't even die (Yes, another Isekai), and the main objetive is return back to his world.As many others series, this one starts with the presentation of the main characters: two girls not very interesting, and a "sad boy" (wich not's either interesting...) .
And the plot of the series: they received a profession, and should complete a specific quest.
At this point, the series suggests that it will be oriented to humor with things like the class of the male protagonist is farmer instead of mage or warrior, and those three can't even kill a single goblin.But little by little, we see how the plot becomes slightly darker. The quests they must complete are becoming more difficult, and not just for a matter of lvl... the moral decisions they should make are becoming more complex, sometimes having to decide on issues that will affect the life (and death) of others.
Despite the fact that the protagonists have the ability to resurrect within seconds, they soon discover that there are circumstances in which this is not possible. Also that if everyone dies at the same time, they will definitely die, and also some of their enemies even try to lock them up causing the time they have to complete the missions runs out.
Although the mystery of the series seems to focus on why they are there, and why they have been chosen, an extra layer of intrigue is added with the appearance of the protagonists' doubts as to whether the place where they are is a virtual world or not.All these conditions forces the protagonists to evolve and grow (In a psychologically way, not just lvl, lol), allowing us to see how some of them decide to face past traumas that allow them to move forward, and others decide to accept their dark sides, taking questionable attitudes for the good of the group, showing us, in one way or another, a pretty good character development.
The combination of all these factors, ends up generating a quite enjoyable narrative rhythm.Obviously this is not gonna be the revolution of the genre, but at least is fairly enought good to enjoy it, and for now only has one season (second confirmed in the last chapter), so could be improve in the future, especially considering that new characters will be introduced, and their development is one of the show's strong points.
In short: if you usually enjoy Isekai genre, consider give a chance to this show, maybe surpises you positivily.
65/100Far better than it has any right to be.Continue on AniListI'm going to be completely honest, I came into this show fully expecting it to be trash. Can you blame me? With a name as edgy as I'm Standing on a Million Lives, this looked primed to be the new Arifureta-shaped isekai punching bag of the season. But a curious thing happened when I started watching it: I actually liked it. And not ironically; I actually liked liked it. Okay, it's far from perfect, but this was genuinely one of the shows I most looked forward to throughout this anime season. And considering the absolute dragging it's getting in the score department, I wanted to put my two cents in and tell you why it actually deserves a shot.
So, premise: it's an isekai, obviously, but it puts a bit of a spin on it. Instead of being trapped in the fantasy world that's a lot like a video game, protagonist Yusuke Yotsuya is just called into it periodically to carry out certain missions. And he's not alone: he's actually the third to join an entire group of people being called in to undertake these missions. Every time they complete a mission, they're sent back into the normal world with no time passed, and they live their lives as normal until they're called in for the next mission, with a new party member joining each mission. There's some more complicated mechanics to how it all works, but suffice to say, this isn't just some otaku wish-fulfillment fantasy; there are actual story reasons for why this state of affairs is the way it is, and Yusuke can't just power-scale his way to cheap victory like Kirito and his ilk. He and his comrades in arms have to fight and struggle through difficult challenges- monsters, bandits, bad weather, unclear objectives- to achieve victory. On the plus side, they respawn like video game protagonists if they die, so they can take a lot of beating. On the downside, if they all die at once, or they fail the mission, they do actually die in real life. So no pressure.
There's a lot of questions still left unanswered about the nature of this situation by the end of this season, but with a season 2 announced, I'm sure we'll get those answers in time. For now, the focus is on the characters and the struggles they go through. And this is where this show caught me off guard, because the characters are... surprisingly good. Yusuke is an absolute edgelord who hates other people, but instead of wallowing in his misanthropy, his character arc is one of overcoming his jaded perspective. Through his struggles in the game world and his interactions with his teammates, he starts to grow out of his immaturity, slowly realizing the worth in other people and recognizing his need improve as a person so he can continue to be worthy of fighting alongside them. In a way, it's like a direct subversion of edgy "me against the world"-style isekai protagonists. Thankfully, his teammates are all given full characters of their own as well, with goals and personalities and motivations and fears independent of Yusuke. Yes, so far they're all his female classmates, but they're far from a bland harem of mindless body pillows. None of them have even expressed romantic interest in him, and their character arcs are all about their own personal struggles rather than for the self-insert protagonist to make them swoon over him helping them. I found this all really refreshing
That being said, no, this show is not perfect. And pretty much all the issues come down to adaptation. I haven't read the manga A Million Lives is based on, but I can tell that it could have been handled much better. The animation, while not atrocious, is never any better than functional, which makes the show pretty boring to look at. The direction itself actually is pretty good, though, which covers for a lot of that. The worse issue, in my opinion, is the editing; this show's editing is baaaaaaad. Lots of scene transitions cut at awkward points and lead you into the next scene too fast, or lacking establishing shots. And the tone can swing wildly from scene to scene with not enough time to prep you for the change. One moment we're in light-hearted hijinks as the characters banter among each other, the next moment Yusuke's going all edgelord talking about how much he hates the city he lives in and wants to see it burn. On their own, these scenes work fine, but the show does a pretty abysmal job transitioning between them, and it leads to a lot of moments that leave you confused and struggling to catch up to the emotional flow. Maho Film does not strike me as a particularly skilled studio, is me point. So maybe you'd be better off reading the manga, which probably does this story much better justice.
Still, though, if you're an anime-only kind of guy, I recommend you at least give I'm Standing on a Million Lives a try. It's flawed, but it's far better than it has any right to be, and it's definitely better than its current score suggests. And who knows? Maybe with how successful this season apparently was in Japan, season 2 will be able to patch up those awkward points and bring this show to its full potential. I hope that happens. Because from what I've seen here, I think it has the potential to become something really special.
ANIME AdventureNaka no Hito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]
ANIME ActionGoblin Slayer
ANIME ActionSword Art Online
ANIME ActionLog Horizon
OVA ActionImawa no Kuni no Alice
ANIME ActionDeatte 5-byou de Battle
- (3.15/5)
Ended inDecember 18, 2020
Main Studio Maho Film
Trending Level 4
Favorited by 941 Users
Hashtag #俺100