March 16, 2017
23 min
When Kazuma Satou died, he was given two choices: pass on to heaven or be revived in a fantasy world. After choosing the new world, the goddess Aqua tasked him with defeating the Demon King, and let him choose any weapon to aid him. Unfortunately, Kazuma chose to bring Aqua herself and has regretted the decision ever since then.
Not only is he stuck with a useless deity turned party archpriest, the pair also has to make enough money for living expenses. To add to their problems, their group continued to grow as more problematic adventurers joined their ranks. Their token spellcaster, Megumin, is an explosion magic specialist who can only cast one spell once per day and refuses to learn anything else. There is also their stalwart crusader, Lalatina "Darkness" Dustiness Ford, a helpless masochist who makes Kazuma look pure in comparison.
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 continues to follow Kazuma and the rest of his party through countless more adventures as they struggle to earn money and have to deal with one another's problematic personalities. However, things rarely go as planned, and they are often sidetracked by their own idiotic tendencies.
Rie Takahashi
Kazuma Satou
Jun Fukushima
Sora Amamiya
Ai Kayano
Aki Toyosaki
Yui Horie
Hitomi Nabatame
Ayaka Suwa
Masakazu Nishida
Sayuri Hara
Hitomi Nabatame
Tetsu Inada
Junji Majima
Kyouya Mitsurugi
Takuya Eguchi
Yumiri Hanamori
Yumeha Kouda
Kenjirou Tsuda
Yoshino Aoyama
Nobuo Tobita
Ignis Dustiness Ford
Kazuhiko Inoue
Walter Alexei Barnes
Kaito Ishikawa
Wataru Hatano
Shouto Kashii
Alderp Alexei Barnes
Takashi Nagasako
Maria Naganawa
76/100A subversive comedy isekai that has some classic gagsContinue on AniListThis season was pretty good, better than the last I would say and it's because of a combination of things. I think what brought the first season down was its establishment of the whole cast having only been done in a very short season (10 episodes is usually the shortest for a single season) therefore making it hard for the writers to really play with the characters as much as would be necessary to have a complete kind of development with each character. I know that isn't the show for this but the point still stands, considering the fact that this show has pretty good characters to start. Anyways, back to the actual point. Because this kind of thing would have slowed the first season down a little, the second season does the opposite and because all of the characters are established already the writers get to play with the development of them and their dynamic with Kazuma more than they got to in the last season. What this does achieve is some pretty comedic moments between one of the three main girls in the party interacting with Kazuma, not only being comedic but also kind of cute in a way. Especially because all of them rely on him in some way or other.
Despite this, I think that this show has the potential to turn into a fully fledged harem anime, which I don't think it would (if it got more seasons). My reasoning for that is just how some of the characters latched on to the main character and stuff like that, but I think this is a very minor concern and probably more of an observation than anything. The examples that I have in mind are the constant pokes at Darkness and Kazuma's 'relationship' throughout the series, which of course was done because of the comedy of it, but yeah I guess that's something. In spite of this, I did enjoy that Darkness and Aqua got to have their time in the limelight with their 'arcs' I guess you could call it allowing for them to be developed a little more in terms of both the character and the comedy. I know I'm talking about this as if it were an adventure anime, but I guess that's just because of how well the characters were realised, being evidence of how seriously this show can fit in the adventure genre although it would be a bit brash to lump them in with more seriously toned shows.
First and foremost, this is a comedy show. It did make me laugh quite a few times and I guess it has fulfilled its purpose. But, because of the fact that I did get attached to both the characters and their gags is evidence of how it has gone just that little bit further than just normal gag comedy does for the audience and for that I do give it props. Although they essentially play on the same joke many times, how they do it is a little bit unique each time maturing the joke a little bit each time (although the show itself isn't that mature lmao).
Speaking of it being a comedy anime first, I think it is appropriate to talk about the 'story' of KonoSuba. I know many people complain about there not being really any progression to the story and how Kazuma is going to defeat the Devil King. But if you think about it, how the hell are they going to develop that over 20 episodes without it feeling both rushed and kind of stupid. Like sure, something like The Devil is a Part-Timer both does a good job at developing a comedic premise with some action-y parts, but that's real different since they don't necessarily have to even establish the setting since it's just the modern world - being easier to develop since the main characters are unfamiliar with the setting but the audience isn't which makes it simple to easily fit in gags and make it funny for the audience in how the characters react to things in our world with their perspective. With KonoSuba however, they do have to establish how the fantasy world works and I do appreciate them for actually world-building and not just letting the world fade into the background. It allows this show to again, be more than just some silly gag show. It does seem like I am giving this point high praise, but it's more of an offhanded appreciative comment I guess since it doesn't do so masterfully but it is worth a mention. (Also considering the fact that this anime is so short on a per season basis I wouldn't expect a massive amount of world building anyways). Examples that come to mind for this is the last 'arc' where they meet all of the members of the Axis religion where the show not only had the opportunity to play with Aqua's character and her god complex, but also had the chance to world build, essentially killing two birds with one stone. It is true that this 'arc' was pretty rushed, with it even fitting in a Demon King commander in there but what can you do ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Speaking of the commanders, I especially liked how the show never really forgot that the purpose of Kazuma and Aqua forming the party and doing quests is to defeat the Demon King. Although the show displays Kazuma's distaste for his obligatory quest to defeat this big boss, simply the fact that the show itself acknowledges that the party's end goal is to essentially slay the Demon King is quite remarkable considering most shows just forget what they're doing in the first place a lot of the time, leading to the show kind of meandering about. That is not saying that this show doesn't do that but, because it is a comedy anime I think I can excuse that. Moreover, this anime shows the defeat of two major bosses and gives a sense of progression with Kazuma gaining new gear, so the show doesn't forget that it does need to move forward although it is a bit crammed in there (again, because of the 10 episodes tiny season).
Anyways, on to the art. I actually really liked the art this time around, it was not only familiar but did seem to be a lot more smoother and organic than the last season and I really appreciate that since it does help enhance the delivery of some of the jokes when the characters are interacting with each other. It also helps to establish the light tone of the show in general, both presenting that in its writing as well as its art therefore correctly establishing its soft overall tone which the show benefits from. Basically, the improved art helps make the show as a whole more expressive in its animation and as a result the jokes and physical kinds of punchlines are made more expressive and as a result the comedy of this comedy show is a lot better because of that.
Just a small mention also is the fact that the show's OP is real good since it's really expressive and stuff yeah + it's just catch music so yeah. Probably better than the last season as well since the animation is a lot more bubbly I guess.
Overall, since this season has more to offer than the last I would have to rate it a solid 7/10, since where the last season was kind of lacking in this season made up for although it was kind of rushed so the show is weakened for that. But I will be looking forward to the season three of KonoSuba, if that does come to the light. See ya then.Vollerei
89/100An iconic isekai with the best comedy I’ve seen in a while, each episode is filled with hilarious moments to enjoyContinue on AniListhttps://anilist.co/anime/21699/KONOSUBA-Gods-blessing-on-this-wonderful-world-2/
Oh boy, we’ll everyone I’m pretty bummed out now tbh. My adventures and memories of Konosuba have been the best and most hilarious ones I’ve had in a WHILE. I went into this anime originally thinking “Okay, finally a popular isekai that looks like it has a pretty decent story and lovable characters........” BOI was I wrong. This lighthearted and happy-go-lucky anime had me laughing constantly with each episode I watched! I didn’t even care whether the main storyline was progressing or not, because each day for them was an adventure in itself. I was constantly falling more in love with Megumin.....cough.......I mean, the characters. Yeah, definitely meant to say I was falling in love with these characters and each of their own unique flaws that made them funny to watch. Enough of what I thought though, let’s get into the critical review! Here’s my final thoughts of Konosuba!
Art and Animation: 9.5/10
- From the graphics of a glorious EXPLOOOOOSION to the crisp and refreshing art style of the characters, Konosuba deserves this score due to its sheer brilliance in this simple, yet enjoyable art style. Even the fighting scenes and animations were very smooth, with little to no choppy frames.
Soundtrack and Audio: 8.8/10
- A higher than average soundtrack and OST had helped in giving this anime a high score in this department. Even the voice actors had fit well with their perspective characters, save for a few odd moments when someone would side-talk when addressed by someone. It didn’t really appeal to me and it definitely didn’t fit the situation most of the time, just felt like the character was just saying “Yes, that’s my name.” over and over again just for the sake of saying it. Unfortunately it got very stale VERY quickly, despite its wanting to be humorous.
Storyline and Character Progression: 8.5
- This is where I had the hardest time CRITICALLY rating Konosuba. While I personally loved this anime with all my heart, the storyline itself is very cliched and is the same old plot we’ve all seen and heard of, ESPECIALLY with isekai. Due to its generic storyline and about average events and scenarios, it did about average for Storyline. As far as character progression though, there isn’t really much. Yes, we learn a few new things about who someone REALLY is or what they may be fully capable of, but we don’t see any progress when it comes down to their mission to defeat the Devil King. While each character is lovable and are a joy to watch, no real progression is made due to this anime’s focus on comedy and action. Unfortunately, the score isn’t as high as I’d want it to be because of its limits.
So there you have it! After a lot of thinking and debating with myself (over who’s best girl) I finally got the overall rating of......
It took a lot of self control to remain unbiased on this one because I REALLY enjoyed it and wanted to give it a higher score, but I had to take it at face value and look at it as something that someone else may want to watch earnestly. So if you’re thinking of picking up some light comedy anime or just what to see some GOOD isekai for once, Konosuba has you covered. Just be ready to handle the hilarious situations Kazuma will find himself in, and be ready to accept the fact that Megumin IS the best girl. Hope you enjoyed this review and I’ll see y’all in the next one!
Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll leesonTV
60/100Decent sequel to a disappointing S1. Good character development & art direction but lacks in story & progression.Continue on AniListAs a standalone entry, it's only really decent at best. However, as a sequel to a series that I thought was bad due to how I felt about Konosuba S1, it was definitely a well-deserved sequel/second season. Kind of good in that regard.
Let's discuss the story... well, what can I say really? Same sort of deal as the first season if I'm being completely honest with you all. One thing I don't like about Konosuba's story is that it's... sort of repetitive in the sense that all it really boils down to is just go on quests, antics, more quests, more antics... the story doesn't really improve on itself where I think it really needed to from S1. Plus, we still have that overarching goal which always seems far from reach and like there is zero progression whatsoever, despite the group defeating 2 more of the Devil King's army. And to add insult to injury on this, I've noticed that the pacing of this show is really slow, which could justify me feeling like nothing is going on in these episodes. It's an odd choice for the creator to make a decision like this.
As for the characters... nothing has really changed where personality is concerned. Kazuma's still a scumbag sometimes, Aqua's still pretty obnoxious, Megumin is still my favourite level head, and Darkness... I'm still unsure of how to feel about her. I'm not sure if it's her masochistic nature that throws me off of her, I don't hate it but I can't like it either, she's honestly one of the grey area characters for me personally. However, despite personalities not changing much, their developments as a group really shine and especially so in the last episode with their battle against Hans, coordinating their attacks as a team. Speaking of, another character that I really didn't expect to get some development was the side character Wiz. Her switch up and attack on Hans in the last episode was something, it really made her shine as a character there. Pretty decent development all things considered, nothing to complain about, that's for certain.
Just like S1, Konosuba S2 is still impressive in the visual department, even more so here actually because we get a lot better animation. Wonderfully executed by Studio DEEN. Once again, the battle with Hans in the last episode was just wonderful to look at, really solid work. It's not by any means "KINO" animation or the best visual spectacle out there but it was still something to marvel at and appreciate. Good job to Studio DEEN.
Sadly, much like S1, S2's humour just falls flat on its face. Even though it's meant to be a comedy, to me, the jokes just don't land well at all. I understand that some people may like comedy but I just don't see what the fans see personally.
OP was pretty neat too, better than what S1 gave us and the ED was essentially much of the same as S1 which I don't have a problem with, it's fitting, that's all I'll say.
So overall, S2 sort of hit me with a curveball here, I understand that Konosuba is beloved by the fans, and don't get me wrong, it does have its appeal and I understand why. But to me, sometimes it just doesn't hit the right notes. Although with S2, I feel like it was a step in the right direction for the series and a good sequel to expand the universe and add some development to characters, although still falls short when it comes to story and humour. If the movie doesn't surprise me with another curveball as it did here in S2, I will be disappointed.
6 made the most sense here. It was definitely better than S1 for sure, however, it wasn't all too good but not really bad in some regards whatsoever. It's only a decent entry, nothing more or less.
TV SHORT ComedyIsekai Quartet
ANIME ActionIxion Saga DT
ANIME ActionSword Art Online
ANIME ComedyHataraku Maou-sama!
ANIME AdventureBakuretsu Hunters
ANIME ActionSentouin, Hakenshimasu!
- (4.05/5)
Ended inMarch 16, 2017
Main Studio Studio DEEN
Trending Level 6
Favorited by 7,769 Users
Hashtag #このすば